When we have children, we are embarking on a lifelong project. It is not something that comes and goes quickly; it is a commitment that lasts, whether they are infants or adults.
This often works in our favor, but sometimes, there are challenges within the family. This was the case for a mother with her 22-year-old son, Michael.
She thought everything had settled down now that he was no longer a teenager, but she had no idea what lay ahead. That’s when he decided to play a card she wasn’t expecting.
My son, Michael, had just turned 22 last month, and I believed we had passed the turbulent teenage years. Little did I know, a storm was brewing right under my nose.One day, while I was preparing lunch in the kitchen, Michael stormed in, his face twisted with frustration.
“Mom, we need to talk,” he said, his tone unusually serious.
I turned to him and said, “Sure, what’s on your mind, honey?”

22-Yr-Old Son Demands A Car Or He Will Leave Home And Go Live With Dad
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