Man becomes single dad to quadruplets after wife dies giving birth

It’s difficult to describe the emotions we feel the first time we find our we’re going to be parents. Whether we’re expectant mothers or fathers it makes little difference – the vast majority of us are simply delighted to know that we’re having a child.
Naturally our initial thoughts are those of hope. Perhaps we picture how our little one is going to look, or imagine the things we’re going to teach them or help them experience. Many of us wonder just how it will feel to hold them in our arms for the first time.
Sadly, however, not all pregnancies end up with the happiness most of us grow up expecting. Carlos Morales, from Phoenix, Arizona knows this tragic truth all too well, and his story is a perfect example of the bittersweet nature of life…
By all accounts, Carlos and Erica Morales were a match made in heaven.The couple first began dating in 2006 after meeting at a nightclub in Scottsdale, Arizona, and though a language barrier made things difficult – Carlos didn’t speak English and Erica didn’t speak Spanish – they were undeniably attracted to each other.
According to reports, Carlos and Erica danced much of that first night away. When the nightclub closed, Carlos wrote down his number on a piece of paper and handed it to Erica to do with what she would.
Erica ultimately lost the paper with Carlos’s number, and that might well have been that. Fate, it seems, had other plans though.
The couple met again, this time through mutual friends, and before long they realized that their feelings for one another were real.






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